Ucles vs Africa Released!

I left to Africa by myself in August 2012, and I’m proud to finally release the footage in June 2015! Watch Ucles vs Africa at: https://www.andrewucles.com/adventures/ucles-vs-africa/ ‘Ucles vs Africa’ is a documentary by Andrew Ucles as he travels through...

Expect the unexpected!

Expect the unexpected! 2015 will be a year of challenge and reward – the start of a vision which will become apparent through a whole new platform…

Get ready to be Educated, Entertained and Enthralled

Having filmed two small segments for Discovery Channel International, and on the road to taking two of Germany’s biggest TV hosts into the Australian Outback… this year is turning out to be an entertaining wild run for Andrew Ucles. With two Adventures...

New Website Incoming

I’m working on a new website, it will be done in a few months, as well as new videos and information on more of my adventures and trip to Africa revealed in the coming months.

Just passed 200 subscribers on Youtube

We’ve not upload videos for the past few weeks as Andrew’s been busy putting together a new format for videos. There’s some really incredible stuff coming down the pipe and Andrew’s just passed 200 subscribers on Youtube – Andrew’s...